

Haomin さん ありがとうございました!

date : May/15/2016

96年から展開している国内発のイカしたブランド、 ”Haoming” のお店に初めてお邪魔させて頂きました!場所はex Club AIR向かいのビルB1F!タイガースとのコラボT-シャツを筆頭に、インパクト大でカッコ良くて洒落なアイテムを多数GET!  ハオミンさんどうも有り難うございましたP1050925

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National Foundation day

date : Feb/12/2016

Sup.Hope everything is alright over there.
It was public holiday in JP.
Well to me, pretty much everyday is holiday but, I took Tiara for cruising around Edo River n 298 area with a bit of Sound System n some Spray Cans to complete coloring my almost customized Low rider ish bike.
Still fucking freezing in the night time though…
but we should be feeling the beginning of spring in few days by weather focus :)
Have you ever thought about counting the times of each seasons you had & will be feeling till you go up in the sky?
My 35th Spring is coming soon and thanks for that.
So far,no regrets and can’t wait to feel the new season.
